Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Is 67 1/2 the average temperature for the month of May in the Western Pennsylvania region? Is 67 1/2 the number of cups of coffee that Starbucks in Virginia Manor Shops sells between the hours of 8 AM and 9 AM? Is 67 1/2 the number of You Pick Two's that Paneras Bread sells on an average weekday during the lunch hour? It is none of the above. 67.5 or 67 1/2 is the over and under for the Win total for the Pittsburgh Pirates this upcoming baseball season listed by Vegas Insider. The boys in Vegas think the Pirates are going to win 67 or 68 games(even with Manager Clint Hurdle at the helm). If they win 68, then the Pirates will lose 94 games as the boys in Vegas see it. Wow and the season has not even started yet. Unfortunately for the baseball fans in this region, it has been a uphill battle for the last 18 non-winning seasons. But the Pittsburgh region fans continue to support the Pittsburgh Pirates. I am not even concerned about a winning season at this point for I would just like the Buccos to play .500 baseball and win a total of 81 games. You have to play one game at a time and the fans in this Western PA. region have been unbelievably patient. I firmly believe that the fans patience is running out. The Pirates need to start winning!

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